Here we are, ALL AT HOME!!!! Sorry for the delay, we were all in need of some rest.
Sunday night, thank the Good Lord, Jon was discharged from the hospital. I took him home and put him straight to bed. But he was at home!!!
Official diagnosis: Spinal Headache. Cause: Lumbar Puncture.
But what caused the first headaches and vomiting? No diagnosis there.
For the most part his nurses, techs, doctors, and other hospital staff treated him well. Thank goodness for good, caring nurses, especially when I'm not there....hold on...
...OK the liquid ibuprofen didn't settle well with Jon's stomach. He can't swallow the pills, the liquid is nasty, I feel for him...
Sunday night I went and got the most important medication they prescribed - valium, to help him sleep. The rest could wait until morning. I went to Target with good intentions on using my coupons. Ended up screwing that whole plan up - left a prescription in the car (I thought there were 3, there were actually 4), forgot the coupons, and had to drive to a Target away because I knew the one near us was backordered on oxycodone.
I didn't realize that I missed a prescription until this morning, when he asked for it. Big OOPS! I'll fill it today for him.
So for now he is doing ok, still with a painful headache, but at least we're heading off to the doctor's in a few minutes.
More to come later...
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