My wonderful, fabulous, husband, wanted to get me something for Valentines Day, and took my advice to get me a plant instead of flowers for Valentine's Day.
I wanted bamboo to replace my old bamboo at work that didn't make it through January thanks to my neglect.
So, check out my new awesome double heart bamboo that is now on my desk at work.
I love it!!! And I promise to take care of it everyday, and to never let it run out of water.
Thank you Jonathan, I Love you so much!!!
JK x2 | March 5, 2011 at 10:16 AM
Wow, I finally caught up on all your posts. Super fun; I love reading your blog! (And thanks for the various "shout outs"; glad I provide documentation worthy of making your blog! :-D)
Very cool about the photo books - I love that you got another free one for being a "loyal customer" when you didn't even pay for it! Yes! Coupons rock!!