What a wonderful sporadic evening it was Monday night!

They guys at work liked their banana bread. Yessss! Success!!!
I finally got in touch with Jen, and she asked "are you going to stay for dinner?" ... Well, after calling Jon and getting permission (he, he), of course I did!
I always have a fantastic time with Jen. She's a fabulous girl, er, um, lady. We just don't get to see each other enough. We joked, shared "medical stories," made dinner, folder laundry (you read that correctly), and of course, ate Jen's yummy chicken. It's a very simple recipe even I can repeat, and plan to! Oh, and she liked the banana bread too! Yessss!!!
All in all, an absolutely wonderful Monday evening. I couldn't ask for anything better. There wasn't even traffic on the way home. Then again, it was 7:30 =D.
JK x2 | March 31, 2011 at 1:24 PM
awww, yay! I had such a great time too. And it was so wonderful to have the energy just to hang out!